The PubMed Central International (PMCI) network is a collaborative effort between the PMCI repositories, publishers, and funding organisations that wish to preserve and provide free access to journal articles authored by the researchers they support. For many years, the PMCI network has consisted of three nodes, PMC USA, Europe PMC and PMC Canada. As of the 23rd February 2018, this network will reduced to two nodes following the decision by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the National Research Council (NRC) to close down PMC Canada.
Europe PMC is committed to the PMCI collaboration, and will continue to provide a world-class service, as it has done for the past decade, with funds secured until 2021. The funding of Europe PMC is shared across twenty eight international life science funding organisations, providing a resilient sustainability model for this key research infrastructure (1).
The European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), which runs Europe PMC, and the NCBI, which runs PMC USA, have a long history of collaboration in the provision of open life sciences data resources, starting with the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC). The PMCI network is well-aligned with these resources, and plays an integral part in fulfilling our shared goals to enable international open science.