The January 2011 Nucleic Acids Research Database Issue includes an article by Jo McEntrye and others, that describes the UKPMC service and the developments which have taken place over the last three years.
Key developments include:
- Single search: Through UKPMC a user can search across some 24 million bibliographic records drawn from PubMed, Patents and recent biomedical theses, as well as the 1.8 million full-text articles held in the UKPMC repository
- Citation services: UKPMC contains ‘Cited By’ information as an alternative way to navigate the literature.
- Text mining services. UKPMC has incorporated text-mining approaches to semantically enrich content and integrate it with related database resources.
- Grantee services. Through UKPMC+ grantees can deposit manuscripts, link papers to grants, publish online portfolios and view citation information on their papers. .
The article also clarifies the relationship between PMC and UKPMC, providing historical context and future directions.
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