The Company of Biologists (COB) – publishers of Development and Journal of Cell Science – has announced a new policy in which papers published by researchers funded by the Wellcome Trust or the Medical Research Council will be automatically deposited in PMC (and mirrored to UKPMC). The Company of Biologists will deposit the final version […]
UK PubMed Central(UKPMC) is the the UK’s online digital archive of full-text, peer-reviewed research publications in the life sciences. This blog has been created as a way of alerting researchers to: new service developments at UK PubMed Central changes to publisher policies in terms of open access and self-archiving relevant news from the open access […]
Europe PMC is a service of the Europe PMC Funders' Group, in partnership with EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI); and in cooperation with the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NCBI/NLM) . It includes content provided to the PubMed Central (NLM/PMC) archive by participating publishers.