Competition in open access publishing is increasing with the launch of two similarly named online open-access journals. Open Biology (Royal Society Publishing) will start receiving submissions this July whilst Biology Open (BiO; The Company of Biologists), discussed in the previous post, is set to launch in the autumn of 2011. Like BiO, Open Biology will […]
The Company of Biologists has announced BIOLOGY OPEN (BiO), a new online only, Open Access journal publishing original research across all aspects of the biological sciences including cell science, developmental biology and experimental biology. Launching in Autumn 2011, BiO aims to “provide rapid publication for peer reviewed, scientifically sound observations and valid conclusions in these […]
The American Association of Immunologists, publisher of The Journal of Immunology, have launched a new, free service to authors, to deposit selected manuscripts to PubMed Central (PMC). Articles deposited in PMC are automatically mirrored to UKPMC. “Several funding bodies, including the National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Wellcome Trust and Medical Research Council, […]
Analysis of the content in UKPMC shows an increasing proportion of articles are fully open access and thus can be downloaded, and re-used, typically for non-commercial purposes. To be clear, all content in UKPMC can be accessed without any restriction, but only a subset of this content is fully open access. In 2001, just 7% of […]
A report published today looking at how to improve access to academic literature suggests that open access is likely to have the greatest benefits to the UK scholarly communications system. Open access, whereby research outputs are made freely accessible to the widest possible audience, is an issue to which the Wellcome Trust is firmly committed. […]
BMJ Open – BMJ’s new online-only, open access journal – has been launched. The journal will publish “all research study types, from study protocols to phase I trials to meta-analyses, including small or potentially low-impact studies”. In a move to promote greater transparency in the peer review process, all published articles include the reviewers reports, […]
A presentation by Robert Kiley (Wellcome Trust) given at the annual conference of the Association of Subscription Agents and Intermediaries that looks at the Wellcome Trust experience with the author-pays, open access model. Looking at Wellcome-funded papers published in the quarter of 2010, Kiley calculates that the average cost of papers published under the author-pays […]
Wiley have announced the launch of Wiley Open Access, a new publishing programme of open access journals. The first three titles – Microbiology Open, Brain and Behavior and Ecology and Evolution – will all launch later in 2011. Wiley Open Access journals will be published under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits use, […]
Nature Publishing Group (NPG) have announced that they will be launching a fully open access journal – Scientific Reports – in July 2011. Funded entirely through article process charges ($1350 per published article), Scientific Reports will publish “original research papers of interest to specialists within a given field in the natural sciences. It will not set a threshold […]
Zotero is a free, easy-to-use research tool that helps you gather, organize, and analyze sources (citations, full texts, web pages, images, and other objects), and lets you share the results of your research in a variety of ways. UKPMC is now “Zotero enabled”, which means that users can store the bibliographic details of any UKPMC […]
The complete archive of the Eugenics Review journal – from 1909 through to 1968 when the title ceased – has been digitised through the Wellcome Library’s Backfile Digitisation Project, and is now freely available at UKPMC and PubMed Central. As the official journal of the Eugenics Education Society (later known as just the Eugenics Society) […]
A new study commissioned by the Knowledge Exchange argues that there can be benefits to publishers if they switch to a model based on submission fees. The report “Submission fees – A tool in the transition to Open Access?”, written by Mark Ware, concludes that this model could be particularly relevant to journals with a […]
Over 240 National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) trainees recently attended the 4th Annual meeting at the Midlands Hotel in Manchester (November 30th – December 1st). Despite the freezing temperatures outside, the atmosphere inside was warm, welcoming and friendly. The term ‘trainee’ is probably quite inappropriate, as it evokes the image of fresh young graduates. […]
At the Wellcome Trust we are always keen to try new ways to promote our open access policy, and the UKPMC repository. Our latest promotional activity involves a huge poster in the rear window (Gower Place) of the Wellcome Trust HQ, in London. In addition to promoting OA, the poster also provides the opportunity for […]
The Wellcome Trust’s Open Access policy has always made it clear that it considers dissemination costs as legitimate research costs and as such provides grantholders with additional funding, through their institutions, to cover open access charges. In view of this I thought it would be interesting to see how many papers, attributed to the Wellcome […]
The Company of Biologists (COB) – publishers of Development and Journal of Cell Science – has developed an open access (“gold”) option, which meets the requirements of the UKPMC Funders’ Group. For a fee of £1350, the COB will deposit the final version of the article in PubMed Central (at the time of publication) and […]
In response to user feedback, the UKPMC search results page now displays all the authors associated with any published article. Prior to this change, the search results page had shown just the first seven authors, with the full set of authors only being visible from the abstract and full-text views. Further feedback on the UKPMC […]
The January 2011 Nucleic Acids Research Database Issue includes an article by Jo McEntrye and others, that describes the UKPMC service and the developments which have taken place over the last three years. Key developments include: Single search: Through UKPMC a user can search across some 24 million bibliographic records drawn from PubMed, Patents and […]
In October 2006 the Wellcome Trust become the world’s first research funder to develop an open access policy that required the research outputs, that arose from its funding, to be made freely available. This presentation, delivered at the recent Berlin 8 meeting, reviews the progress that has been made over the past 5 years – […]
By running a search through UKPMC, then clicking on the RSS feed logo once your search results have been displayed, you can add a search as feeds in a bookmark to your browser. When new journals are added to UKPMC, the updates will alter your search (remember to refresh your browser rather than used cached […]
As part of the text-mining work being undertaken by European Bioinformatics Institutue [EBI] and The National Centre for Text Mining [NaCTeM], it is now possible to get a list of all chemicals cited in a full-text article at UKPMC and link through to Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) database for further information. By way […]
The Open Access subset of UKPMC articles – which as of October 7th 2010 contains around 195,000 full-text articles – can be downloaded via: The content are available as 20 zipped files, named according to the PMCID range that each zipped file contains. The files are updated weekly.
UKPMC users can now view counts and link through to Web of Science citation data for articles available via the UKPMC website. The UKPMC citations tab available on both the abstract and full text view of an article, already providing ‘cited by’ and ‘cites the following’ data, has been augmented by a WoS citation count, […]
An analysis of publication data for 2009 identifies a total 5263 Wellcome–attribured articles in PubMed, of which 2313 are freely available in UKPMC. This indicates an overall open access compliance figure of around 44%. Looking at the data more granularly, we can also see which journals are most used by Wellcome-funded authors. In total, some […]
You have probably used PubMed, or PubMed Central, the archive of full-text life sciences journals (both developed by the National Center for Biotechnology – NCBI, at the National Library of Medicine in the United States). Developed in close collaboration with NCBI, UK PubMed Central (UKPMC) offers, at its core, the very same as PubMed and […]
Europe PMC is a service of the Europe PMC Funders' Group, in partnership with EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI); and in cooperation with the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NCBI/NLM) . It includes content provided to the PubMed Central (NLM/PMC) archive by participating publishers.