Are you interested in finding highly cited articles? If so then the new features in UKPMC will be of value to you. Search results can now be sorted by the number of times articles have been cited.
Each search result is now shown with a count of the number of articles citing that record. If you click on the count, this will display the citing articles, which themselves can be sorted by citation count. The same functionality is also available under the “Citations” tab when viewing an abstract. As always your feedback on the new features is welcome.
I wonder where the number of citations comes from. Is it imported from CiteXPlore (=crossref?) ? Or is it based on the number of citations coming in from PMC alone?
Hi Max – the citations themselves (ie someone citing an article in a reference list) is information from UKPMC articles, supplemented by data available from CrossRef.
Any article can be cited, of course, not just those in UKPMC, so citation counts for PubMed or Agricola records that are not available as full text in UKPMC are given.
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