News blog

Updates from Europe PMC, a global database of life sciences literature

Maria Levchenko

 | 28 May 2024


Connecting publications and software

Maria Levchenko

 | 28 May 2024


Connecting publications and software

Europe PMC joins the SoFAIR project Modern science increasingly relies on software, from data collection and analysis to modeling complex systems. As part of our mission, Europe PMC integrates open access literature with research outputs, such as data and software, to support innovation. To further this effort we have joined forces with the SoFAIR project, […]

Maria Levchenko

 | 26 February 2024


Moving to open source

Maria Levchenko

 | 26 February 2024


Moving to open source

Europe PMC POSI update – 2 years on  Two years have sailed by since Europe PMC adopted the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (POSI) in February 2021. POSI is a set of guidelines for open scholarly infrastructure providers and outlines how these organisations should be run and sustained. It offers a framework to uphold transparency […]

Summer Rosonovski

 | 15 January 2024


Europe PMC 2023: a year in review

Summer Rosonovski

 | 15 January 2024


Europe PMC 2023: a year in review

As 2024 begins we reflect on the achievements our team made in 2023 to meet your needs as users. The team’s efforts were concentrated on building trust in preprints, open sourcing code, as well as expanding and improving text-mining capabilities. Preprint highlights  As part of Europe PMC’s commitment to accessible and discoverable scientific research, 2023 […]

Summer Rosonovski

 | 25 October 2023


 | Editor's pick

Building a technological foundation for preprint review

Summer Rosonovski

 | 25 October 2023


 | Editor's pick

Building a technological foundation for preprint review

The practice of preprinting in the life sciences has grown rapidly. In addition to accelerating scientific publication, preprinting also has the potential to open new avenues of communication among researchers. For example, preprint peer review offers tremendous potential for changing the culture of scientific assessment, broadening participation, and enhancing the robustness of scholarship. While only […]

Europe PMC team

 | 8 March 2023


 | Editor's pick

Introducing Europe PMC Annotated Full-text Corpus for bioentities and associations

Europe PMC team

 | 8 March 2023


 | Editor's pick

Introducing Europe PMC Annotated Full-text Corpus for bioentities and associations

Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC) is an open access repository of life science research, including peer-reviewed journal articles and preprints. It contains over 41 million abstracts and 8.7 million full-text articles, adding over 1.7 million new articles annually. To facilitate information discovery and foster literature–data integration, Europe PMC has incorporated text-mining approaches into its workflows.  […]

Europe PMC team

 | 11 January 2023


Europe PMC in 2022: a year in review

Europe PMC team

 | 11 January 2023


Europe PMC in 2022: a year in review

With the start of the new year Europe PMC reflects back on the year 2022. As many of us adjusted to hybrid working, with the opportunity to return back to the office, meet new colleagues, and attend conferences and workshops in person again for the first time since the pandemic, Europe PMC’s efforts continued to […]

Europe PMC team

 | 20 June 2022


Medical Research Foundation joins Europe PMC

Europe PMC team

 | 20 June 2022


Medical Research Foundation joins Europe PMC

We are delighted to announce that the Medical Research Foundation joins Europe PMC as a new funder. This brings the Europe PMC funder family to 37 members. The Medical Research Foundation is the charitable foundation of the Medical Research Council. With support from the scientific and medical communities and the public, the charity funds high-quality […]

Europe PMC team

 | 17 May 2022


Health and Care Research Wales joins Europe PMC funders group

Europe PMC team

 | 17 May 2022


Health and Care Research Wales joins Europe PMC funders group

 We are delighted to announce that the Health and Care Research Wales joins Europe PMC as a new funder. This brings the Europe PMC funder family to 36 members. Health and Care Research Wales is a networked organisation which brings together a wide range of partners across the NHS in Wales, local authorities, universities, research […]

Europe PMC team

 | 3 March 2022


SciELO Preprints discoverable in Europe PMC

Europe PMC team

 | 3 March 2022


SciELO Preprints discoverable in Europe PMC

We are delighted to announce that SciELO Preprints are now discoverable in Europe PMC.  SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) is a bibliographic database, digital library, and cooperative electronic publishing model of open access journals. It was originally established in Brazil in 1997 and has since expanded to include collections from 16 countries, predominantly in Latin […]

Europe PMC team

 | 21 February 2022


Europe PMC adopts the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure

Europe PMC team

 | 21 February 2022


Europe PMC adopts the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure

As a long-standing service and infrastructure provider in the open science ecosystem, Europe PMC supports the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (POSI). We welcome the momentum gathering behind this initiative to promote the need to support and sustain the open infrastructure. Europe PMC has been a part of the public and open infrastructure for over […]

Europe PMC team

 | 15 February 2022


EDCTP joins Europe PMC funders group

Europe PMC team

 | 15 February 2022


EDCTP joins Europe PMC funders group

We’re delighted to announce that the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) joins Europe PMC as a new funder. This brings the Europe PMC funder family to 34 members. EDCTP is a public-public partnership between countries in Europe and sub-Saharan Africa, supported by the European Union. EDCTP exists to accelerate the clinical development […]

Europe PMC team

 | 20 January 2022


Europe PMC in 2021: a year in review

Europe PMC team

 | 20 January 2022


Europe PMC in 2021: a year in review

The year 2021 has been difficult for many people working remotely, including those here at Europe PMC. We have been unable to meet in person with the users and the wider community that drives this service. As this year has drawn to an end we have taken the time to reflect on some of the […]

Europe PMC team

 | 1 December 2021


Transparency for preprints: handling withdrawals and removals

Europe PMC team

 | 1 December 2021


Transparency for preprints: handling withdrawals and removals

Part of the appeal of preprints is the ability to post new versions, allowing researchers to continuously improve their manuscript and correct it if needed. However, in some cases the data or its interpretation presented in the preprint may be proven incorrect with time. In such cases the authors may wish to withdraw or remove […]

Europe PMC team

 | 26 July 2021


COVID-19 grants: who, where and how much?

Europe PMC team

 | 26 July 2021


COVID-19 grants: who, where and how much?

Along with life science publications, Europe PMC offers a way to search through biomedical grants from Europe PMC funders using the Grant Finder tool. Last year, Europe PMC partnered with the Medical Research Council (MRC), the UK Collaborative on Development Research (UKCDR) and the Global Research Collaboration for Infectious Disease Preparedness (GLoPID-R), to extend its […]

Europe PMC team

 | 11 May 2021


PsyArXiv preprints now indexed in Europe PMC

Europe PMC team

 | 11 May 2021


PsyArXiv preprints now indexed in Europe PMC

PsyArXiv preprints are now discoverable in Europe PMC alongside peer-reviewed research PsyArXiv’s collection of more than 14,000 psychological sciences preprints has now been indexed in Europe PMC, an open science platform that enables access to a worldwide collection of 38.6 million life science publications and preprints. “Indexing PsyArXiv in Europe PMC means that psychological preprints […]

Europe PMC team

 | 9 February 2021


Over 15,300 full text COVID-19 now available in Europe PMC

Europe PMC team

 | 9 February 2021


Over 15,300 full text COVID-19 now available in Europe PMC

In July 2020, Europe PMC began indexing the full text of COVID-19 preprints. The initiative supported by Wellcome, the UK Medical Research Council, and Swiss National Science Foundation, has now made over 15,300 full text COVID-19 preprints searchable and free to read, alongside peer reviewed articles. Number of full text COVID-19 preprints in Europe PMC […]

Europe PMC team

 | 19 January 2021


Europe PMC announces renewed funding and two new funders join the family

Europe PMC team

 | 19 January 2021


Europe PMC announces renewed funding and two new funders join the family

    Europe PMC infrastructure grant renewal   We start 2021 with the exciting news that the Europe PMC infrastructure grant has been renewed for the period April 2021 to March 2026. The grant award is supported by 30 international biomedical funders and led by the Principal Investigator Dr Johanna McEntyre, of the European Bioinformatics […]

Europe PMC team

 | 14 January 2021


Europe PMC in 2020: a year review

Europe PMC team

 | 14 January 2021


Europe PMC in 2020: a year review

The year 2020 was marked by the global COVID-19 pandemic and the Europe PMC team, like many others around the world, started to work from home. Scientific literature is at the heart of scientific research and during these extraordinary times, Europe PMC worked on improving existing services, building new features, increasing the full text content […]

Europe PMC team

 | 12 January 2021


Research Square’s Full-text COVID-19 Preprints Now Indexed in Europe PMC

Europe PMC team

 | 12 January 2021


Research Square’s Full-text COVID-19 Preprints Now Indexed in Europe PMC

More than 4,500 Research Square preprints discoverable alongside peer-reviewed research Research Square’s collection of more than 4,500 full-text COVID-19 preprints have been indexed in Europe PMC, an open-access repository of more than 1 million biomedical research works. The overall effort, jointly supported by Wellcome, the UK Medical Research Council, and Swiss National Science Foundation, expands […]

Europe PMC team

 | 22 September 2020


Announcing the new version of SciLite – the Europe PMC tool for highlighting annotations

Europe PMC team

 | 22 September 2020


Announcing the new version of SciLite – the Europe PMC tool for highlighting annotations

This month, Europe PMC released a new version of SciLite, a powerful tool for highlighting annotations in life sciences publications. SciLite is powered by the Europe PMC annotation platform via the open annotation API, which provides access to over 1.3 billion annotations. Highlighting annotations in the text enables users to easily scan the article and […]

Europe PMC team

 | 28 July 2020


Europe PMC partners with UKCDR to release the Covid-19 Awards Search

Europe PMC team

 | 28 July 2020


Europe PMC partners with UKCDR to release the Covid-19 Awards Search

As a response to the current pandemic crisis, organisations worldwide have increasingly made funding available for COVID-19 research. As part of the COVID CIRCLE programme, the Medical Research Council (MRC) has worked with the UK Collaborative on Development Research (UKCDR) and the Global Research Collaboration for Infectious Disease Preparedness (GLoPID-R) to make COVID-19 grant information […]

Europe PMC team

 | 8 June 2020


Europe PMC to include the full text of COVID-19 preprints

Europe PMC team

 | 8 June 2020


Europe PMC to include the full text of COVID-19 preprints

In this pandemic, researchers have responded by publishing results rapidly, often through preprints. In fact, up to half of the publications in Europe PMC on COVID-19 are preprints rather than peer-reviewed journal articles. Currently, the full text of these preprints are scattered as PDFs on preprint servers, or, available as a non-standard set of documents […]

Europe PMC team

 | 4 June 2020


Global grant IDs in Europe PMC

Europe PMC team

 | 4 June 2020


Global grant IDs in Europe PMC

In September 2019 we welcomed the first open, global grant IDs to Europe PMC. Wellcome became the first funder to register DOIs for their grant awards with Crossref. Grant metadata is provided by Europe PMC, and in a pilot integration, the grant IDs were featured in a PLOS ONE publication. This is a very exciting […]

Europe PMC team

 | 9 April 2020


MQ: Transforming Mental Health and Pancreatic Cancer UK join Europe PMC

Europe PMC team

 | 9 April 2020


MQ: Transforming Mental Health and Pancreatic Cancer UK join Europe PMC

We’re delighted to announce that MQ: Transforming Mental Health and Pancreatic Cancer UK join Europe PMC as a new funder. This brings the Europe PMC funder family to 31 members. MQ: Transforming Mental Health is an international mental health research charity that funds multidisciplinary research into mental health across biological, psychological and social sciences. With […]

Europe PMC team

 | 18 March 2020


Five stories showing how Europe PMC is used by the life sciences community

Europe PMC team

 | 18 March 2020


Five stories showing how Europe PMC is used by the life sciences community

Europe PMC is a searchable database that allows access to life sciences publications worldwide including preprints and micropublications. Europe PMC offers cutting-edge tools to improve the discovery of articles around a topic of interest and provides links to the data behind the articles. In a commitment to open science, Europe PMC flags articles that are […]

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