The British Journal of Cancer – owned by Cancer Research UK (CR-UK) – has chosen to implement the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 licence for articles published under the BJC OPEN initiative. This licence permits distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The licence does not permit […]
The Wellcome Trust, on behalf of the UKPMC Funders’ Group, held a workshop on the 24th Spetember, for HEI repository managers and research/open access administrators, to discuss the issues involved in ensuring that funder open access mandates are met. The workshop was split into two sessions. The morning session focussed on the practical aspects of […]
The first Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) conference took place in Lund between the 14-16th September 2009. The full set of presentations will be made available from the conference site within the next week or so. Robert Kiley, from the Wellcome Trust, spoke about the Trust’s open access policy, grantee compliance with the OA […]
The full archive (1947 to date) of the British Journal of Cancer -published by NPG on behalf of Cancer Research UK – is now available in UKPMC. Current content is embargoed for 12 months, though articles routed through BJC Open are made available at the time of publication. The archive was digitised through the Wellcome […]
The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the National Research Council’s Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (NRC-CISTI), and the US National Library of Medicine (NLM) have announced a three-way partnership to establish PubMed Central Canada (PMC Canada). “PMC Canada is a powerful tool that will help researchers build upon one another’s work and […]
The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) – publishers of journals such as Cancer Research and Molecular Cancer Research – have announced the launch of their manuscript deposition service. Designed to assist journal authors in meeting their funders’ archiving mandates, authors of articles published in AACR journals can elect to have the AACR deposit their […]
UK PubMed Central development partners at the British Library invite life sciences researchers to take part in a short survey on images (takes no more than five minutes). The British Library project team, which manages development activities for UKPMC, and is specifically tasked with identifying additional, hard to find content to add to UKPMC, is […]
Nature Publishing Group (NPG) have announced the development of a licence that will explicitly permit academic reuse of archived author manuscripts. “NPG supports reuse for academic purposes of the content we publish. We want the excellent research that we publish to help further discovery, and recognize that data-mining and text-mining are important aspects of that,” […]
The American Society of Hematology – publishers of the journal Blood – have developed a Wellcome-compliant author-pays option. In return for a fee ($2000), ASH will deposit the final version of Wellcome-funded articles directly into PMC, where they will be made freely available at the time of publication. Further, special licensing language has been drafted […]
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (AJTMH) – published by the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene – have clarified their author-pays option. For authors who select the OA option (at a cost of $2500) the journal office will deposit the final version directly in PubMed Central and it will be made […]
At a poster session at the Open Repositories Conference 2009, Peter Millington (Technical Development Officer st Sherpa) presented data on the number of publishers/journals used by Wellcome-funded authors that offered a Wellcome-compliant OA publishing policy. Taking a cohort of 3766 papers published in 901 different journals, Millington shows that potential compliance increased from 70% in […]
This presentation (to run, see below), given at the Research Information Network / Repositories Support Project event on May 29th, 2009, includes some interesting facts and figures about UK PubMed Central as well as a providing a brief outline of some of the development activities being undertaken by the British Library and partners Mimas, the […]
Presentation given at the RIN/RSP conference Research in the Open: how mandates work in practice on the 29th May 2009. The presentation looks at a number of funder open access mandates, with special reference to the Wellcome Trust’s policy and its implementation. The presentation also considers the author-pays model and provides data on the level […]
The Royal Society have announced a change in the pricing structure for its author-pays, open access model, known as EXiS Open Choice. Responding to author feedback, EXiS fees will now be based on a per-article rate, rather than a per-page rate. There are now two article rates: Full research articles and reviews are priced at […]
Users of the UK PubMed Central Manuscript Submission System (UKMSS) are now able to use a new service – ‘My UKPMC’ – to report on the outcomes of any grant funded by any one of the UKPMC Funders’ Group member organisations. Grantholders can export these grant reports not only in standard .csv and xml formats […]
The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) – publishers of the Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC), Molecular and Cellular Proteomics (MCP) and the Journal of Lipid Research (JLR) have announced that they will make all their content freely available through the PMC and UKPMC repositories, with a 12-month embargo. [Previously ASBMB were only […]
The Society for Neuroscience (SfN) – publishers of the Journal of Neuroscience – now offer a manuscript deposition service for Wellcome Trust funded researchers. Under this option, the Society will deposit the final author manuscript (i.e. the version that includes all changes that were approved following the peer review process) in UKPMC, where it will […]
The American Psychological Association (APA) – publisher of titles such as Journal of Abnormal Psychology and Psychological Bulletin – have developed a Wellcome-Trust compliant author-pays model. In return for paying an OA fee ($4000) APA will deposit on behalf of the author, the final, published version directly into PMC, where it will be mirrored to […]
Research Councils UK (RCUK) have published an independent study commissioned by the Research Councils into open access to research outputs. The purpose of the study was to identify the effects and impacts of open access on publishing models and institutional repositories in light of national and international trends. This included the impact of open access […]
There is now a ‘ Resources and Media ‘ section on the UK PubMed Central website. So far this includes: Focus group highlights – 2 minute streaming videoIn late February members of the UK PubMed Central project team ran a focus group at the University of Oxford. 18 PubMed Central users attended, including researchers, technologists […]
Following a previous posting on the topic of JoVE, I am pleased to report that the publisher has developed a Wellcome Trust /UKPMC Funders Group-compliant, open access option. “For articles published under Open Access, JoVE applies the Creative Common Attribution-Noncommercial license . Under this license, authors retain ownership of the copyright for their article, but […]
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The announcement that the Journal of Visualized Experiments – JoVE – has moved from an open access model, to a subscription-based model, has attracted much comment in the blogosphere, as can be seen from the postings at the Nature Network, and the Scholarly Kitchen blogs. As a consequence of moving to a subscription service, content […]
UK PubMed Central is on Twitter at – for now just tweeting blog posts and links to UKPMC Funders’ Group-funded articles as they become available in UKPMC.
Europe PMC is a service of the Europe PMC Funders' Group, in partnership with EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI); and in cooperation with the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NCBI/NLM) . It includes content provided to the PubMed Central (NLM/PMC) archive by participating publishers.