Our External Links Service enables links to be created from articles on Europe PMC to free third-party resources that enrich our articles. Since launching the service last July we’ve been joined by providers who have set up links to an ever widening range of useful resources, including data underlying articles, press releases and plain English summaries, and article full text not otherwise held by Europe PMC – to name but a few. We now have 14 providers enriching 33, 000 articles with links out to additional information.
A recent development makes setting up these links even easier. Whereas previously you needed to have a PMID or PMCID associated with the information for which you wanted to create a link, we’ve enabled links to be created using DOIs, a commonly used, stable document identifier. The first provider to create links using DOIs is PANGAEA, a data publisher for earth and environmental science.
Image source: Shutterstock Copyright: Thomas Reichhart |
As always we welcome your feedback, and we would be delighted to hear from you if you want to get involved in this free service – at labslink@europepmc.org.
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