We’ve recently launched a re-designed
Grant Finder on Europe PMC. You can use the Grant Finder to search over 56,700 biomedical research grants, awarded to the 23,000 Principal Investigators supported by the 26
Europe PMC funders.
Learn 5 ways to use the new Grant Finder:
1. Find a collaborator
As a researcher, or student, you can find potential collaborators / PIs working in a related research area. Search for a research topic, by entering a term in the ‘Keyword’ field as shown in Figure 1 below. This will search the grant titles and abstracts.
Figure 1: The new Grant Finder search |
2. Find funded projects in your field
If you’re writing a grant application, you can use the Grant Finder to search for grants by funder, to discover which grants a funder has recently awarded, in a similar area. If you know the name of the funding stream you are applying to, enter this in the ‘Keyword’ field. If you know the name of a Principal Investigator in your field, or their ORCID, you can enter these details in the relevant fields.
3. Find potential funders
As a PI you can discover which smaller funders have funded research in your area. Use the ‘Keyword’ field to enter in a phrase describing your research area, for example a disease or protein name.
4. Find out which publications are associated with a grant
To find out what research articles have been published, you can easily link to publications associated with a grant from the search results page (or from a grant page), as shown highlighted in red below in Figure 2 and Figure 3:
Figure 2: Links to publications appear under search results as above. |
Figure 3: Links to publications on a grant page |
5. Find out more about the funding from a specific article
If you are searching for articles on Europe PMC, you can see which funders have supported the research, just below the abstract as shown below in Figure 4. From here you can link to the grant page to find out more details about the grant award.
Figure 4: Funding details are shown under the article abstract. |
If you are interested in using our open grant data in your website or application, find out more about how to use our
Let us know what you think of the new Grant Finder!