Integrating ROR IDs in Grant Finder Funding and research organisations are increasingly looking to understand the impact of the research they support. To link institutions with grant awards from Europe PMC funders the Europe PMC Grant Finder tool now incorporates Research Organization Registry (ROR) IDs. Linking grants and institutions The Grant Finder tool from Europe […]
We’re delighted to announce that the Academy of Medical Sciences has joined Europe PMC as a new funder, bringing the total funders to 27. The Academy of Medical Sciences represents the diverse spectrum of medical science – from basic research through clinical application to healthcare delivery. Their mission is to promote medical science and its […]
We’ve recently launched a re-designed Grant Finder on Europe PMC. You can use the Grant Finder to search over 56,700 biomedical research grants, awarded to the 23,000 Principal Investigators supported by the 26 Europe PMC funders. Learn 5 ways to use the new Grant Finder: 1. Find a collaborator As a researcher, or student, you can find potential […]
Title quote from ‘Sonnets from the Portuguese’, Sonnet 43, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Our relationship with ORCID personal identifiers blooms in a number of ways: ORCID Wizard Europe PMC was an early adopter of ORCIDs allowing researchers the ability to link articles to an ORCID using our easy-to-use article claiming Wizard. Not only can this […]
It is important that you add all appropriate grant information to relevant papers on Europe PMC to support: Grant Reporting Compliance with Funder open access policies Data Consistency Resource Discovery Author Claiming There are a variety of routes that enable grants to be linked to papers in Europe PMC. We have outlined these below […]
Recently Europe PMC released new export format options, to help users get Europe PMC’s wealth of metadata (and our open access papers) into the file formats they like to use. We’ve already posted about how useful this function is for researchers, but it’s great for research funders too. Funders can convert their carefully constructed search […]
Europe PMC has released a new GRant Information SysTem (GRIST) that is loaded with grant data from the 20 Europe PMC funders. It includes all of the data provided by the Funders from the beginning of the UKPMC service (which was rebranded to Europe PMC during 2012). This equates to 44,000 grant records relating to […]
The European Research Council (ERC) announced today that it will participate in the UK PubMed Central (UKPMC) open access repository service, joining 18 existing UK and European funders[i].The ERC becomes the third European funder to join UKPMC, following Telethon Italy and the Austrian Research Fund. As a result of this participation, the existing funders have […]
Research Councils UK (RCUK) have published an independent study commissioned by the Research Councils into open access to research outputs. The purpose of the study was to identify the effects and impacts of open access on publishing models and institutional repositories in light of national and international trends. This included the impact of open access […]
Users of the UK PubMed Central Manuscript Submission System (UKMSS) will soon be able to use a new service – ‘My UKPMC’ – to report on the outcomes of any grant funded by any one of the UKPMC Funders’ Group member organisations. Grantholders will be able to export these grant reports not only in standard […]
Each of the eight funders associated with UKPMC has a Funders Home Page from which you can find all papers in UKPMC which are associated with any of these funding bodies. In addition to be able to view these full-text articles, the article metadata can be exported in csv or xml. This metadata can also […]
Europe PMC is a service of the Europe PMC Funders' Group, in partnership with EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI); and in cooperation with the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NCBI/NLM) . It includes content provided to the PubMed Central (NLM/PMC) archive by participating publishers.