This post is by our guest, Dr Stephen Pinfield, a Senior Lecturer in the Information School at the University of Sheffield. In this post he introduces us to his recent paper ‘Medical research charities and open access’ where he reports on a survey he carried out to assess the Open Access (OA) policies and activities of […]
To start, I should say that all at Europe PMC support Open Access. This is just a short list of some issues that can be frustrating… 1. The often incorrect definition of green and gold routes to Open Access I am a relative newcomer to Open Access having only been working in this area for a […]
We’re delighted that 4 new funders have joined Europe PMC, bringing the total to 24! The new funders are: Worldwide Cancer Research (formerly AICR), who fund research into the causes of cancer. The AICR is UK-based, but funds projects all around the world, supporting the best scientists wherever they are. Breast Cancer Campaign, who fund research into […]
I was at the EMBO meeting in Amsterdam earlier this week, with a poster about Europe PMC. Before I get onto that, three brief observations from the conference: 1. The plenary lecture was by Kai Simons, of lipid raft fame. Professor Simons gave a fascinating history of the development of this area of research. Having […]
Europe PMC is delighted to be involved with “I’ve got nothing to lose by trying it” – a guide by charity Sense about Science and partners that enables non-specialists to evaluate claims about treatments for medical conditions. Online adverts and chat-room conversations testify to the ‘incredible’ benefits of new medicines and treatments selling the empty […]
Science Engagement Intern – Europe PubMed Central Salary is £16,049 per annum, pro rata for the duration of the internship Full Time (36 hours per week over normal business hours) Temporary Internship for up to 6 months St Pancras, London This is an exciting opportunity to help deliver a successful international science-writing competition. […]
Europe PMC is pleased to offer researchers the ability to link articles to an ORCID. The tool can also be found under the ‘Resources’ menu on the Europe PMC home page. In this interface you can link any of the 28 million works available in Europe PMC to your ORCID. Adding articles to your ORCID […]
We are pleased to announce a new feature in Europe PMC that allows you to track data citations in the scientific literature. It is now possible to search for papers that cite database records for several core life science databases, such as the European Nucleotide Archive, ArrayExpress, and PDBe, as well as dataset DOIs used […]
In an exciting new development, Europe PMC now provides direct links from articles to relevant externally held information, and enables third parties to suggest relevant resources that enrich our existing content. The External Links Service is a mechanism for people to publish links from articles in Europe PMC to related information or tools. It could be […]
I have just been to the BioBricks Fondation SB6.0 conference, an international Synthetic Biology conference, this year hosted in the UK at Imperial College London. Synthetic Biology is one of the most recent scientific disciplines, and draws on the themes of nature, science and engineering ‘to connect fields in new ways by improving the process […]
Imagine, if you will, open access as a train, running up and down the length of the country, travelling anywhere track is laid, delivering papers, books, ideas to all and sundry. Research funders have the opportunity to man the signal boxes and set the open access movement’s direction of travel. That is what the Wellcome […]
I attended the UCL Neuroscience Symposium on Friday, an event showcasing work being carried out by scientists at UCL and its partners in to all areas of Neuroscience – from Developmental Neuroscience to Disorders of the Nervous System, and a lot in between! Europe PMC had a stand, manned by me (Europe PMC engagement manager) […]
Europe PMC has released a new GRant Information SysTem (GRIST) that is loaded with grant data from the 20 Europe PMC funders. It includes all of the data provided by the Funders from the beginning of the UKPMC service (which was rebranded to Europe PMC during 2012). This equates to 44,000 grant records relating to […]
There is a new prototype tool available for browsing on Europe PMC labs: Acromine. Developed and hosted by the National Centre for Textmining, University of Manchester, Acromine suggests expansions of acronyms and presents articles specific to those expansions. The new tool is presented on an interface similar to the look and feel of Europe PMC. […]
The Wellcome Trust has joined with the Public Library of Science and Google to launch the Accelerating Science Award Program (ASAP) to recognise the use of scientific research, published through open access, that has led to innovations in any field that benefit society.This new, innovative programme recognises individuals who have used, applied or remixed scientific […]
On May 1st 2013 Yorkshire Cancer Research (YCR) became the newest member of the Europe PMC Funders’ Group, and we’re delighted to have them on board. YCR fund cancer research that is carried out by world-class scientists and clinicians across Yorkshire, and provide information to help local people beat cancer. Closing the gap between the […]
by Ian Le Guillou, Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge Although contradictory to the hopes of the Access to Understanding competition, writing about the work described in ‘NLK is a Novel Therapeutic Target for PTEN Deficient Tumour Cells‘ made me realise the importance of scientific jargon. Yes, it makes research very difficult to understand for […]
By Claire Sand, Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, King’s College London The Access to Understanding competition had instant appeal for me because it seemed to combine my two greatest interests – science and writing. I have always been fascinated with the human body (particularly in disease), and am currently working on my PhD in cardiovascular research, […]
Earlier this month HEFCE invited advice on developing their open access policy in the post-2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF). Both EMBL-EBI, who run the Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC) service, and the UK members of the Europe PMC Funders’ Group, strongly support HEFCE’s movement towards requiring that all outputs submitted to the post-2014 REF are […]
By Emma Pewsey, Department of Materials Science, University of Cambridge. I’m a relative newcomer to biosciences – at school, physics and chemistry were more my thing. However, starting a PhD on the corrosion of metal implants in the human body meant I needed to brush up on my biology. It was time to hit the […]
Europe PMC is pleased to release a new RESTful Web Service, in addition to the existing SOAP service. Both Web Services can be accessed via the ‘Resources’ menu option on the Europe PMC homepage. As with the SOAP based service, the RESTful service gives programmatic access to all of the publications and related information in […]
We were delighted to announce the winners of the Access to Understanding science-writing competition at an awards ceremony held last night (11 March) at The British Library in London. Entrants to the competition were challenged to summarise a cutting-edge research article, communicating in a simple and accessible way what the research is, and why it matters, to […]
On the 1st April 2013, both the Wellcome Trust and the Research Councils UK will require that any article which attributes their funding and incurs an Article Processing Charge (APC) must be licensed using the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY). This blog posting provides an update as to those publishers who publish high volumes of […]
Access to Understanding is a new science-writing competition, developed by Europe PubMed Central and The British Library, aimed at early career researchers and PhD students. The winner will receive an iPad and have their entry published in eLife. Read on for more… For more information: Questions: Follow us on Twitter: Europe PMC news and […]
We are delighted to launch Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC), which reflects a growing commitment from European Life Sciences research funders to make their research freely available around the world. As announced in July, the European Research Council (ERC) becomes the third European funder to join UKPMC, following Telethon Italy and the Austrian Research Fund. As […]
Europe PMC is a service of the Europe PMC Funders' Group, in partnership with EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI); and in cooperation with the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NCBI/NLM) . It includes content provided to the PubMed Central (NLM/PMC) archive by participating publishers.